Our facility incorporates world-class technology infrastructure with a focus on reliability, security, and scalability. We maintain all necessary continuity plans and actions to ensure continuous operations. VPN provides secure global connectivity to remote users, VoIP and video conferencing. W3care has its state-of-the-art software development center (5,000 sq. ft.) located in Jaipur and Delhi. Our infrastructure includes:
- Office Area: 5,000 sq. ft.
- Number of floors: 4
- Area of each floor: 1200-1300 sq. ft.
- Accommodation at each floor: 30+ Persons
- 300 MBPS dedicated Lease Line Bandwidth (1:1)
- Communication redundancy (4 Landlines and 3 VOIP service providers)
- Dedicated Servers for application Hosting
- VPN access is also provided for private PCs of key personnel, ensuring continuous work flow
- Scalable Network Architecture and Systems
- Segmented switched Local Area Network; local and centralized antivirus control. Firewall between the network segments and on the Internet channel
- Fault prevention tools, such as Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology
- Videoconferencing is available
- Latest Workstations (Intel i5 Machines & higher)
- High-End Servers (Intel Xeon Servers)
- Regular Preventive Maintenance on Operating systems and Software
- 24/7/365 Power Availability (Hi power Generator Back up and UPS)
- Stable Project Management System to monitor and administer the total work flow and service delivery
- Indoor Parking
- We always welcome client inspections and audits.